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Coral Springs Guardian ad Litem Lawyer

Choosing a Guardian ad Litem

Choosing the right Guardian ad Litem is one of the most critical decisions parents and their attorneys make during the course of litigation. The Guardian ad Litem selection can have a great impact on the lives of children and their parents, so getting it right is essential. It is a decision that strikes at the heart of all family law cases – what is in the best interest of my children? Parents and attorneys worry that the Guardian ad Litem may align themselves with the other parent and against their interest, or that a Guardian ad Litem will overstep their limited role in the children’s lives.

The Coral Springs Guardian ad Litem lawyers of Williams & Varsegi, LLC, hear your concerns and can empathize with your fears during this process. Our experienced attorney, Ms. Varsegi serves in this capacity, you can be assured that she will take a fair-minded, delicate and compassionate approach.

What does a Guardian ad Litem do and do I need one on my case?

If you are going through a divorce, child custody (timesharing) or relocation dispute, you may have heard of a Guardian ad Litem. A Guardian ad Litem is an individual appointed by the court to serve as a neutral third party and report back to the court with observations, concerns and recommendations. The Guardian ad Litem will speak with those who touch the lives of you and your children, including possibly the child’s teacher, therapist, pediatrician, and other relatives. The Guardian ad Litem will usually visit the homes of the parents and observe the child interacting with the family. The Guardian ad Litem may make recommendations to the court that you have to comply with, thus it is critical that an experienced Guardian ad Litem is appointed.

A Guardian ad Litem gives a voice in court to your children. If you are concerned that the court is not seeing an accurate picture of the home, or of you or your spouse’s parenting – you may need a Guardian ad Litem appointed. A Guardian ad Litem can serve as a neutral voice and can help move litigation along if the parties have become entrenched in litigation with seemingly no end in sight.

The Attorneys of Williams & Varsegi, LLC, can serve as your Guardian ad Litem

The attorneys of Williams & Varsegi, LLC, have many years of experience working with children caught in the middle of litigation. As Senior Attorneys with the Attorney General’s Children’s Legal Services Division they routinely interacted with the children on their caseload. It was, in fact, the best part of the job. Our attorneys have received extensive training in interviewing children and ensuring their interests are presented to the court. They also have experience interviewing and working with those who are involved in children’s lives such as therapists, teachers, and relatives – all while protecting child and family privacy. Prior to joining the Attorney General all of the attorneys of Williams & Varsegi, LLC, have served as staff attorneys with the Guardian ad Litem Program in Miami-Dade County, advocating tirelessly for children’s best interest.

Ms. Varsegi has also served as a court-appointed Guardian ad Litem for abused, abandoned and neglected children. She completed the 2017 Family Law Guardian ad Litem Training in Broward County, Florida.

Our Coral Springs Guardian ad Litem lawyers understand all children and families are unique and have their own stories. The attorneys of Williams & Varsegi, LLC, are dedicated advocates for children and their families and look forward to working with you.

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